Wage and Employment Impact of Minimum Wage: Evidence from Lithuania, with Jose Garcia-Louzao.
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2023, Volume 51, Issue 2 (June), pp. 592-609.
Replication Files | Online Appendix | Manuscript | Media/Non-technical: LB Newsletter, pp. 4-6; Lithuanian Economic Review, pp. 44-49; Lietuvos Ekonomikos Apžvalga, pp. 43-50
Productivity-Enhancing Reallocation during the Great Recession: Evidence from Lithuania, with Jose Garcia-Louzao.
Oxford Economic Papers, 2023, Volume 75, Issue 3 (July), pp. 729–749.
Replication Files | Online Appendix | Manuscript | Media/Non-technical: LB Newsletter, pp. 22-23
Income inequality and redistribution in Lithuania: The role of policy, labor market, income, and demographics, with Nerijus Cerniauskas, Denisa M. Sologon, Cathal O’Donoghue.
Review of Income and Wealth, 2022, Volume 68, Issue S1, pp. S131-S166.
Statistical Discrimination in a Search Equilibrium Model: Racial Wage and Employment Disparities in the US, with Bruno Decreuse.
Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2021, No. 143 (September), pp. 105-136.
The Changing Nature of Gender Selection into Employment: Europe over the Great Recession, with Juan J. Dolado and Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa.
Economic Policy, 2020, Volume 35, Issue 104 (October), pp. 635–677.
Racial Discrimination in the US Labor Market: Employment and Wage Differentials by Skill, with Daniel Borowczyk-Martins and Jake Bradley.
Labour Economics, 2017, Volume 49 (December), pp. 106-127.
Policy Papers
A First Glance at the Minimum Wage Incidence in Lithuania using Social Security Data, with Jose Garcia-Louzao.
Ekonomika, 2021, 100(1), pp. 31-53.