Working Papers

The Life-cycle Profile of Worker Flows in Europe

with Jonathan Créchet (University of Ottawa) and Etienne Lalé (UQAM)

(March 2024)

Abstract: We document how worker flows between employment, unemployment, and out of the labor force, vary by age and gender for a large panel of European countries. We develop and calibrate an extended Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model that captures all the salient features of these data. The model assigns a major role to the production technology in driving differences in aggregate employment, while, in contrast to standard analyses, labor-market policies play only a secondary role. Search intensity and a labor-force participation decision are key for propagating the effects of technology across age and gender groups, and for explaining the variation in aggregate employment.



Bargaining over severance: evidence from employment protection reform in Lithuania

with Joanna Tyrowicz (University of Regensburg)

(June 2024)

Abstract: This paper quantifies workers' bargaining power in negotiations with employers regarding severance pay. Our identification strategy relies on a labor code reform in Lithuania, significantly reducing the surplus available for negotiation between employers and employees. Utilizing detailed administrative records we provide difference-in-difference estimates of bargaining power of the workers. Our findings reveal that employees extract a sizable income at contract termination. Additionally, we document considerable variation in bargaining power among workers. In addition, our analysis does not support the notion that women negotiate differently than men.

Manuscript coming soon
